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"Good evening all!  I am so delighted to be here, and I do appreciate the introduction, most graciously given by Ashtar, but I would remind you that we are all Masters, and we are all together here upon this Planet Earth, engaged in a most wondrous facilitation of that which has been longed for, but never achieved.  This is the first time.


"Now as you know, I sit upon the Solar Tribunal, and as you may know I have been much present in that part of your world that you call the Middle East.  And I am here to tell you something of great import.  There is even now with this solstice, even more of the grandest Light imaginable streaming forth to that part of the world.  And it is no longer just the women, and the children, and the old people, who cry for Peace.  Be ready! 


"In the coming days you will hear from leaders, even your press will have some news for you.  And if you would tune in to the news media from other parts of the world, you will see for yourselves; feel the Joy of it, knowing that the world is coming together in Peace, and in the Light of Love, which we truly are, all, whether in body, or beyond.  And so take this into your hearts, and be glad of it, and know that the travails are coming to a close, that which you call war.


"And that which is war upon the people, whether it be a loss of their freedoms, whether it be starvations, anything that has been perpetrated by one human to another, is coming to a close.  It will not be overnight, but know that the signs are forthcoming even more.  Know that the hearts of many who have been at war in the past, are opening now to receive this great gift of Love Light, that comes indeed from the Great Central Sun all the way to Planet Earth, as an aid to preparations, to further the Ascension, which is already taking place.  It has started.


"And we know that many of you are feeling that, and we know, yes, that some of you have been feeling some discomforts here and there.  It’s part of the process.  Open to receive this grand gift of Light, of Love.  Let the sun shine throughout your beings.  And when you see, or hear words of Peace, of Love, send that Sunshine particularly to those, who have the courage to step forward, and to raise their voices for Love.


"There are many Gandhis in this part of the world, who have yet to step forward.  Some of them are not as well known as he of course, but they will.  They will leave their families, and their villages, and their countries indeed.  And it has begun.  So welcome the warriors of peace, the bringers of Light and Love, to that part of the world, that has been so deep in turmoil as to draw the rest of the world into it. Well, it was the birthplace after all, one of them, on your planet.


"And it has never quite adjusted to all of the opportunities that have come for strife and turmoil.  It was a magnificent birthplace of Love, but it has been in duality this entire time, and the duality is starting to come together in resolution, into the oneness, which is the birthright of all, you here in this room, and beyond.


"So welcome the Peace, and know that it comes with justice, and know that it comes with a complete cleansing of all the toxicities that are there.  Know that they are transmuting even now, and know that there is great energy there for Peace, and Love, and this grand coming together.  I am there, as I am here, and when I say I, believe me, it is all of us together.


"You are there in spirit, walking that ancient holy ground.  Let yourselves feel the Love there.  Let yourselves feel the empowerment of the Light.  Let yourselves feel the wisdom of the ancients.  Let yourselves indeed, join hands as I have done, with the one you call Yeshua.  Let yourselves join hands with the one you call Mohammed, and let yourselves join hands with the ancient prophets of Israel, and know that we are all one, and that there is truly a coming together.


"Do not let those who would keep the wars going, influence you in any way.

They know their justice awaits them.  They know that they shall stand before the tribunals of Earth, and when they are finished there, they shall stand before those of us upon the Solar Tribunal, and the Galactic Council.  And somewhere they know, that the judgments they receive, shall ultimately be of their own creation. And so it is, that is justice of the Light.  That is justice of Love.


"So welcome this great Light coming.  Be joyful with it, dance if you wish, sing, and be connected with that place upon your planet from which all of this comes, all of this opportunity to return the Light, all of this opportunity for those in residence there to walk free, as is coming to those everywhere upon the planet, who are in any way enslaved, or encumbered upon, by those who would rule.


"This place that you call the Middle East of your world, is awake.  And even as your country prepares for the return to its freedom, and the principles upon which it was founded, know that by sending your Light, and sharing it, and by welcoming this Great Light from the Great Central Sun, to this region, called the Middle East, know that you are empowering all that you desire for yourselves to come into place in these war-torn lands.  Rejoice, beloved ones, rejoice. We are all one in this endeavor, and we are indeed succeeding.


"I thank you for inviting me into your hearts this evening.  And I shall now move aside.  There is yet another, who would come forth, and join in this grand celebration of this solstice, in your year of eight.  And so it is.  The one who follows me will be one, whom you are very connected with.  And she is the voice, indeed of all.  She represents all upon Earth. You can call her Mother Earth, you can call her Mother Gaia, as you choose.  But, she comes to join in this celebration, and she too has very, very wonderful news for you.*  So let the celebration continue.  Namaste Beloveds!"

(*see www.ashtarontheroad.com/mothergaiaspeaks.html )


Excerpt from Ashtar Teleconference June 20, 2006


© Susan Leland 2006.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.